Mayor Pro Tem - Sandra Armenta

Sandra ArmentaCouncil Member Sandra Armenta is a 40+ year resident of Rosemead with strong ties to the community that she represents.  Her motto is, “Once a Rosemedian, always a Rosemedian” which reflects her strong commitment for advocating and representing residents and the business community.  Before being elected to the City Council in March 2009, Sandra was involved in the community for many years through youth groups and community-based activities where she championed civic pride and public engagement.  As a former Special Education and General Education teacher (over 21 years, kindergarten to high school), she worked with parents who were unaware of the resources and programs available to them or who were not receiving adequate support from program providers.  As a result, Sandra dedicated herself to working with her students’ families to make them more aware of their rights and available resources.  This experience, in part, proved a catalyst for her being elected to the City Council.

As a Council Member, Sandra’s goal is to encourage and empower residents to voice their concerns, particularly those who have had little or no involvement in local government.  Participation is vital to the success of Democracy, and an understanding of the principles and practices that govern a community will encourage civic engagement.  Sandra strives to ensure that residents are informed about issues and are knowledgeable about the policy-making process by the City Council.  She strongly believes in two-way communication and encourages residents to play a prominent role.  Sandra feels that there is no issue too small or too big for constituents, and that the City Council and City staff be accessible to the community that they serve.   Open and transparent communication is a key goal for Sandra.  

On the Council, Sandra was instrumental in forming Rosemead’s Public Safety CONNECTIONS forum and the Beautifications Committee.  CONNECTIONS is comprised of community organizations and community leaders who are working together to prevent and combat crime, especially with youth.  The Beautification Committee’s mission is to make Rosemead a better and more beautiful place to live, work and shop; to encourage and instill a stronger sense of community pride from residents and business; and to maintain and increase property values and attract positive development.  Sandra represents Rosemead and its residents by having been a long-term member of the California Contract Cities Association, as a past President and currently on the Bylaws Committee, to actively address issues that protect local control important to our residents and the business community.  She also represents the City as a delegate to various boards and organizations, such as the San Gabriel Mosquito and Vector Control District.  

Sandra attended Savannah Elementary School, Muscatel Middle School, and graduated from Rosemead High School.  She obtained her Bachelor’s degree and teaching credential from the University of La Verne.  Her family – sister Nancy, father Jesus, and mother Yolanda (until her passing) – are rooted Rosemead residents having lived in the city for the past 40+ years.   Nancy is an administrator for the Los Angeles County DCFS and a Rosemead School District Board Trustee.  Sandra currently works as a District Representative for State Senator Susan Rubio’s Office (District 22) where she focuses on representing Senator Rubio in the local communities.  

Sandra welcomes community input by contacting her at (626) 676-3965 or by email to [email protected].