Thank you for choosing the City of Rosemead as a place in which to establish your business. We encourage you to become an active member of our business community, so you can benefit from the market potential Rosemead has to offer. There are several steps to starting a business in the City of Rosemead. The steps may vary according to the type of business you intend to start, and the Business License Guide (PDF) will give you a general idea of the process. It provides you with information about starting and conducting a business in the City of Rosemead and serves as a directory of telephone numbers that can provide assistance to new business owners.
Business license questions may be directed to (626) 569-2121 or
SB 205 became effective on January 1, 2020. SB 205 requires an applicant applying for an initial business license or business license renewal, who conducts business operations which are a regulated industry, to demonstrate enrollment with the NPDES permit program. The NPDES permit program addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to waters of the United States. SB 205 also requires the City to confirm that the Waste Discharge Identification (WDID), WDID application number, Notice of Non-applicability (NONA), or No Exposure Certification (NEC) corresponds to the type of industrial business requesting the initial business license or business license renewal. Furthermore, the applicant must also provide the information, under penalty of perjury, on the application, including, among other things, the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the business.
In order to determine whether your business is subject to this law, you will need to provide your business’s primary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code. To find your SIC code, please refer to the link below and search by keyword(s) that pertain to your business:
US Department of Labor – SIC System Search -
You may view the list of regulated SIC codes provided in the links below:
Alphabetical list of SIC codes:
Numerical list of SIC codes:
Additionally, any nine categories of facilities listed in this attachment would also be subject to SB 205:
If your SIC code is impacted by SB 205, you will need to contact the State Water Board or the local Regional Water Board below to apply for a stormwater permit. Please provide the applicable permit/application number(s) along with documented proof issued by the State Water Board. You will be required to provide the permit number and documentation before the business license can be issued.
California Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles Region
320 W. 4th Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013
If you have any questions pertaining to the stormwater application process, please contact the State Water Board at 1-866-563-3107 or
If you have any business license questions, please contact the Business License Department at (626) 569-2121 or
1. Who Needs a Business License
2. Before You Sign That Lease
3. Conditions For Certain Businesses
4. Applying For A Business License
5. Items To Submit With The Business License Application
6. Licensing Fees
7. Cancellation of Business License
8. Resources
9. Renewal
10. Tobacco Retail License